Pet Health & Wellness Why Should I Take My Cat to the Vet? Regardless of your cat’s lifestyle, routine veterinary care is an important step in keeping her…Paws HumaneAugust 17, 2020
Pet Safety The Dog Days of Summer Sunny days and summer heat are definitely here, along with shorts and flip-flops! Heat and…Paws HumaneJuly 15, 2020
Foster Care Features Celebrating Our Foster Heroes New friends have been filling our homes since COVID. No, these friends aren’t the ones…Paws HumaneMay 19, 2020
Pet Health & Wellness Spring Cleaning Let’s talk about Spring Cleaning! No, not your house, your pet’s teeth!!! Brushing your pet’s…Paws HumaneApril 20, 2020
Pet Safety March is Pet Poison Prevention Awareness Month March is Pet Poison Prevention Awareness Month; our homes contain dozens of common items that…Paws HumaneFebruary 12, 2020
Outreach & Education It’s Time to Talk about Cats To say that cats are controversial is an understatement. I and many others, some of…Paws HumaneSeptember 17, 2019
Pet Health & Wellness A Dog’s Gotta Play Dogs are meant to run and play with each other. They are resolutely social animals…Paws HumaneJuly 25, 2019
Pet Health & Wellness The Joys of Pet Parenthood I find it hard to imagine, though I really do understand, that pet parenthood is…Paws HumaneNovember 19, 2018
Pet Health & Wellness World Rabies Day We don’t hear about rabies too often in the U.S. because, since 1960, almost all…Paws HumaneAugust 15, 2018
Outreach & Education You Either Like them or You Don’t After more than six years in the field I’ve come to the conclusion that there…Paws HumaneAugust 2, 2018